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  • (W)orld Currency -
    ... for the currency exchange market. The visionary...
  • INCUBATOR Hybrid Laboratory at the Intersection of Art, Science and Ecology School for Arts and Creative Innovation, The University of Windsor Director, Dr. Jennifer Willet 2009 – Ongoing INCUBATOR is a physical and theoretical hub, a new
  • While Darkness Sleeps -
    While Darkness Sleeps is a series of images of underwater creatures seen through the process of microscopy. Employing a dissection microscope, the specimen is placed in a Petri dish on the stage of the microscope. A camera is attached to the
  • ... research is opening the pathways under which organisms...
  • Biota -
    Biota is a porcelain sculptural installation employing the morphology of the sea sponge as a matrix. Arranged on low-standing Plexiglas platforms, the sculptures appear as if they were dead coral. In the sea, such exoskeleton frameworks signal the
  • Latent Figure Protocol takes the form of a media installation that uses DNA samples to create emergent representational images. The installation includes a live science experiment, the result of which is videotaped and repeated for the duration of
  • Nature? -
    ... artistic purposes. Such changes were achieved by...
  • Nucleart -
    "During my residency at the laboratory of Dr. Ana Pombo at the Imperial College London, I have created artworks using DNA and chromosomes as an art medium. In “nucleArt” I have used DNA molecules coupled to fluorescent dyes to paint specifically
  • Functional Portraits -
    "Artists have been trying to represent in portraits not only the physical appearance of the subject, but also characteristics of the personality, by using the pose, elements in the composition, and even the choice of technique. Science has developed
  • Nuclear Family -
    "Installation with human beings (Homo sapiens) and DNA microarrays. In “The Nuclear Family” genetic differences between human beings from different groups are represented using DNA microarrays. The groups can be defined based on physical