Archive Search

  • Nemo Observatorium -
    ... can take place on the armchair in the middle of...
  • Dadameter -
    ...Global index of the decay of the aura of language, the...
  • Logo.Hallucination -
    ... 2006 Is the economic dynamics of the...
  • Nevel -
    ... and surrender to the disorientation....
  • Rope
    ... it carefully. As the speed increases, the...
  • Tollen
    ...In an arena of about 6m by 10m the artist puts a number of...
  • Transporter -
    ... can lay down on them to be transported very...
  • Boreas -
    ... out equally over the room. These tubes bend...
  • Human Browser -
    ...A human being embodies the World Wide Web Human Browser...
  • Compass -
    ... corridors and rooms. These have been programmed to...