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  • ZOONE -
    ... There is no... with... with... Zoone- zone,... in the... with... like...
  • Which one is true? -
    ... other... with the... no longer so... and is... no longer so... with the... and is... One is... the advent... with the... and is... and is...
  • ... very... nother,... to and over... to and over... one... They are... to and over... very... to and over...
  • Optical Diffraction -
    ... digital... with our... and... with our... and... in the form... topography... with our... and... and...
  • Monogram
    ... other files... and many... and many... One copy... the DVD... and many... and many...
  • Ágora
    ... Andromeda... Andromeda... in the... Andromeda... Andromeda...
  • ... very... Without... no longer be... and... no longer be... Without... and... Every poem in the book... Without... and... very... and...
  • Early Performances -
    ... with a... and on... with a... and on... In the early '80s... with a... and on... and on...
  • Pornéia
    ... other... with my... and many... with my... and many... only... one of which... FROM THE BACK COVER... with my... and many... and many...
  • ... with... birds eye... and in our... with... and in our... The Yunnan... with... and in our... and in our...