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  • Plain Text -
    ...The Plain Text series plays on the “infinite monkey theorem”. It states that given an infinite amount of monkeys, typewriters, and time, the monkeys will type out any particularly text you choose. If one instructs the monkeys (or monkey simulators), to type the King...
  • Dadameter -
    ...Global index of the decay of the aura of language, the Dadameter aims at measuring our distance to Dada. It was inspired by the work of the french writer Raymond Roussel. The project is a satire about the recent transmutation of language into a global market ruled...
  • Flypad -
    ...The company has also been commissioned to create a major, new permanent installation for THEpUBLIC in West Bromwich UK, due to open in 2006. Using Augmented Reality, Flypad will generate avatars from a 'data body' - information submitted by visitors on...
  • ...Mozart's "The Magic Flute" at La Scala theater in Milan on March 20, 2011, directed by visual artist William Kentridge.
  • The Potential Thief -
    ...New performance installation exploring the relationship between the individual and cinematic image. Performers and audience members negotiate one another’s movements as they copy excerpts from films. Three audience members are asked to join each performance. (Audience...
  • Non-weddings -
    ...Non-weddings was inspired by a drawing by Jacques Lacan in “L’instance de la lettre dans l’inconscient”, as I realized that the Internet search engines had some similarities with this presentation (cf Google Image). The drawing by Lacan was actually proposed as a...
  • Double Helix Swing -
    ...double helix swing is an installation which investigates the swarms of midges that can be found on the banks of lakes and other bodies of water. Swarms of midges are intriguing entities: without any apparent logic theyform at irregular intervals along the bank: towers...
  • The Berlin Files -
    ... on a paragraph describing a dark street in Berlin, a woman in a red dress walks out of a doorway towards you_ but someone at the next table is talking. He's telling his friend about a winter field in Canada, about one set of footsteps leading off into...
  • Greenhouse Converter -
    ... via an air supply into an aquarium. This feeds an algal culture which, influenced by light, produces biomass and oxygen from the carbon dioxide. The light is observed in the aquarium as the word “beloved”, in blue, made up from single LEDs which can be...
  • Subtitled Public -
    ...itled Public consists of an empty exhibition space where visitors are detected by a computerised surveillance system. When people enter the space, the system generates a subtitle for each person and projects it onto him or her: the subtitle is chosen at random from a...