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  • In this work the movement of a large video monitor mounted on an industrial fork-lift truck creates a virtual representation of a larger than life size ballerina. As the forklift moves the monitor up and down the ballerina is presented from head to
  • ... projected imagery in three dimensions. One of the visitors to EVE wears a helmet (or a...
  • ... be placed by each player on the board at one time, and each player's letters had a...
  • Royal Road - video
    In 1993 a new videodisc-based version of Going to the Heart of the Centre of The Garden of Delights (1986) was made. No longer related to a particular architectural context, the viewer walks along a path marked by blue lights towards a large video
  • Golden Calf - video
    ... screen into the calf's body none of its interior surfaces are visible. In The...
  • ... on which these panoramas are positioned is marked by a diagram of a Sephirothic Tree -...
  • The Panoramic Navigator is a uniquely new interactive multimedia information terminal that embodies patented augmented reality technologies developed at the ZKM Center for Art and Media in Karlsruhe, Germany. The Panoramic Navigator allows the
  • ... of the four screen environment, only one wall screen, or combination floor and single...
  • ... allows centering of the viewer inside one of the textured objects he has entered. A...
  • ... spectacle. This paradigm is a novel one for art, embedding and transforming its...