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  • ... the restored species are trees carrying profound symbolic meanings that interweave elements of history, philosophy, and...
  • ... the Beast on her forehead. This act of touching had multiple meanings: having sexual intercourse with her, being imprinted with the...
  • Videoschwelle -
    ... information, for it channels extracts of reality into meanings. The monitor can also be a threshold that, once on the...
  • Accident
    ... speech fragment is repeated and letters disappear from it, new meanings emerge.
  • ... visual perspective, but also a different approach to the meanings of the poem. - Eduardo Kac
  • Forced Leisure -
    ... measures of inclusion in the job market exist, that would make a meaningful occupation possible for them (people with disabilities). –...
  • ... the pixelation of the ‘real world’ representation is also a metaphor for the digitalisation of the world, whose technical resolution is... see and thus know less and less. And so it is dissolving as a meaningful and sense-giving environment. Lastly, a word about the...
  • ... while seeing is a cultural technique that offers myriad interpretations and applications, the title “Augenschein” refers especially to... of the eye” incarnates a host of different senses among which meanings can be far apart like the curiosity (“Schaulust” in German) to...
  • Refraction
    ... water. For this project, refraction has both literal and metaphoric relevance. Literal in that the lenticular image changes... on where we stand in front of it. It is metaphorical as the meanings shift depending on the each viewer's interpretation.