Archive Search

  • Homographies -
    ... of architectural normalization (i.e. homogenization, globalization). Very often, especially when found in corridors,...
  • Soundcities -
    ... musical composition. The sounds of cities evoke memories. As globalization fractures the identity of the city experience we start...
  • Douce France -
    ... in Russia. But her work is ironical, it draws up an image of a globalized world, dominated by capital and formatted by technology....
  • Blast -
    ... a publication and instead positions itself entirely within the globalized sphere of communications. The spaces of Blast are now the...
  • AirportSim -
    ... checkpoints. Simulation controls affect the simulation globally, including a terror alert level control that allows the...
  • Epiphanies - video
    ... it is the monopolistic turn of capitalism at the age of globalization and its tendancy towards the uniformization of thought,...
  • Transarchitectures -
    ... impliqué simultanément dans l’espace redéfini de "la ville globale" et dans l’espace des réseaux. Des perspectives vertigineuses et...
  • Home Transfer -
    ... Free Biennial, organized by Sal Randolph in New York City and globally, online, 2002.
  • ... Books Ltd. Yuen, K.W., Westfahl, G., Kit-sze Chan, A. (Eds). Globalization, Science Fiction, and the Cybernetic Revolution. Hong...
  • ... recalling geopolitical realities linked to migration and globalization, transform in real time thanks to a pattern recognition...