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  • ... a set of motions which trigger around four quartets and continue. What frames the border of the path? Very large silk flags black and white or Red and white or red and black The path is a metaphysical term - one becomes one with the path on a grid of 16...
  • ... was seen walking up to the museum window and smashing it with a pickaxe. Or the Venetian blind over the window was closed, blacking out only the projected part of the room.
  • The Berlin Files -
    ... your reverie you see a woman in the corner of the bar. She stares at her telephone, her face covered in tears, the mascara blackening her eyes. You hear your dog barking outside the bar. It's time to go home. As you walk through the quiet streets a...
  • ...The Blackest Spot was a five-projector room-sized interactive installation that explored the representation of crowds and the myriad reasons for public gatherings. Animated imagery, ambient crowd sounds, and fragments from well known speeches throughout history...
  • ... Raxworthy is based on research developed from Richard Feynman’s 1979 video lectures where his presentation of diagrams on the blackboard visualises the probability of photons reflecting from the surface of a mirror(Trust 1979). In Feynman’s diagram he revels...
  • Là bas... -
    ... this work. The first step into the unknown leads the audience out of the world - into the dark. Immersed in the heavy blackness of the first room in the installation, the spectator is deprived of any sense of orientation. Spatial proportions disappear...