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  • ... cluster with 04 computing units based on networks of low cost PCs and 04 stereoscopic...
  • Run Motherfucker Run -
    ... for the Unstable Media), Rotterdam, The Netherlands (source:
  • ... mobile devices, persistent access to a network and location aware technologies. The...
  • Drive -
    ... Combining old and new, analog and network, civilian and military, Drive moves toward...
  • Under Fire -
    ... complex and its expanding network of extraterritorial enclaves and...
  • Push /Pull
    ... rationale behind the recognizable world network where communication is playing a growing...
  • ...Three networked skyboards equip visitors to surf freely throughout a shared virtual space. Each...
  • Arteries -
    ... and being interlaced with intricate networks of systems which have evolved at...
  • n-Cha(n)t -
    ... of "Givers of Names" linked by a network. They intercommunicate, and through doing...
  • Voices -
    ... a concentration camp. Voices from the nettleway Come to us on your hands He who is...