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  • One of the most ancient parables depicting the experience of self was the legend of Narcissus, who fell in love with his own image reflected in a perfect pool of water. Narcissus ultimately destroyed himself in the unresolved predicament of
  • Generative art "en plain air": In four squares appearing on the computer screen the viewers of remote impressionist art (2006) see cutouts from heaven above not closer defined places on this world: grey, blue, black white and every shading you can
  • Microvenus -
    ... of longliving informaiton carriers. The main aim of the project...
  • All you can see -
    With common video formats, almost 17 million different colours can theoretically be represented on the screen today. If these are shown all at once, a condensation in pure white is generated in the digital picture production. Translated into a
  • Protrude, Flow -
    ... The ferrofluid motion has been carefully designed to allow people to...
  • Soundcities -
    ... Recurring themes throughout his career include, the urban landscape,...
  • circulation -
    ... discourse and the flow of cars, because this has changed our...
  • Trucold -
    ... ‘Video as Urban Condition’, Austrian Cultural Forum, London ...
  • ... (Hydrodictyonreticulatum, volvoxglobator), LEDs with changing... atmospheric gases, especially carbon dioxide, is pumped from a...
  • Light from Tomorrow -
    ... and Technology in Education (CARTE) at University of Westminster. A...