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  • ... and effectively work through their conflicting emotions concerning the benevolent yet pernicious influences of computer technology on their lives. Users pitch mouselike balls at a wall covered with obsolete PC keyboards, triggering an array of...
  • ...In the search for new forms of urbanity the influence of media technologies on the perception of and on the engagement with social constructed spaces becomes evident. Under the conditions of telecommunication, digital networks, distributed production systems, global...
  • ... provoke rather a blind copying of western cultural logics (workers in call centers imitate western dialects in providing technology support, transcriptions of texts and programming styles are trained linear in western styles of working and thinking...
  • ... performance. The reactions of the robot as well as the musical program are derived from her vocal characteristics. Via the technology it is converted into energy which activates the peaks of the robot's spikes against the man's body. As an...
  • Demonstrate -
    ... the Demonstrate \project set out to visualize the concept of public space. The camera and archive illustrate new imaging technology and human behavior in the public zones of both plaza and cyberspace. The short essays below are an initial sample of...
  • Nano -
    ... runs through September 6, 2004. The exhibition seeks to provide a greater understanding of how art, science, culture and technology influence each other. Modular, experiential spaces using embedded computing technologies engage all of the senses to...
  • RGB VW -
    ... is clearly significative of industrial culture. But we are now shifting towards a more immaterial fascination - the media technologies with their flow of binary codes and atomized data are gradually creating the apotheosis of a new insubstantial and...
  • ... is the room itself, guests can interact not only with the computer-generated world, but with each other as well. Bar code technology provides a virtually unlimited series of low-maintenance sensing devices (constrained only by available physical space),...
  • egoscope -
    ... to two commercial electronic billboards (180 ft2 each) located in a busy avenue of São Paulo. Because of the project's technological structure - every submission was automatically converted in an avi file in order to be displayed - and the conditions of...