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  • The Eighth Day -
    The Eighth Day -- The Eighth Day is a transgenic artwork that investigates the new ecology of fluorescent creatures that is evolving worldwide. The Eighth Day was shown from October 25 to November 2, 2001 at the Institute for Studies in the Arts,
  • Uirapuru -
    Uirapuru (1996/99), by Eduardo Kac, was shown from October 15 to November 28, 1999, at the InterCommunication Center (ICC), Tokyo. A flying fish hovers above a forest in the gallery, responding to local as well as Web-based commands. Audio and video
  • Rara Avis -
    The work “Rara Avis” (1996) of Eduardo Kac consists of a large cage, in which thirty real birds (zebra finches) and a telerobot, which looks like a rare bird, take place. In the macaw’s eyes are installed two cameras with Charge-Coupled Devices
  • Eduardo Kac pioneered telepresence art in 1986, when he created his first wireless robot, a remote-controlled anthropomorphic figure through which human participants could engage in conversation. In 1989 Kac developed with Ed Bennett the telerobot
  • SonoMorphis - video
    An organic object is projected in front of the visitors. By means of a control mechanism the user can rotate the object in all directions and observe it from various perspectives. Control sliders allow the viewer to vary diverse parameters of the
  • Primordial Dance -
    Primordial Dance is an experimental animation containing a progression of abstract textures and colors. It is a study of emerging and transforming mathematical equations. These effects were created using an interactive process of "artificial
  • "Last Entry: Bombay, 1st of July" is a collaborative documentary about a person, identity and gender unknown - a flaneur in the cultural space of the internet. Inspired by the novel "Orlando", written by Virginia Woolf in 1928, that reads like a
  • I first conceived the Telepresence Garment in 1995 to investigate the notion of the mediascape as an expanded cloth; i.e., to consider wireless networking as a new fabric that envelops the body. The Garment, which I finished in 1996, gives
  • Field-Work@Alsace -
    The project Field-Work@Alsace is a collection of interviews with local inhabitants and passengers around the border between France and Germany. Whole interviews are located in the place where the interview was done and replayed as it was done
  • La Morale sensitive takes its title from a philosophical project that Rousseau never completed, concerning the process of learning and experimentation through the phenomenon of perception. In combining the traditional book format with cinematic