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  • Cabin fever -
    ...In Cabin Fever, Cardiff and Miller reference traditional museum displays by using...
  • Unformed Symbols -
    ... PlayStation 3 The deck of cards laid out on the table seems to...
  • Rope
    ...A rope slowly curls around a chair, caressing it carefully. As the speed...
  • Extruder -
    ... and faster into the future. Carving out the modern world, it has...
  • Carry On -
    ... of six vintage suitcases, Carry On explores paranoia. Using...
  • The Berlin Files -
    ... doorway towards you." (Janet Cardiff & George Bures Miller) ...
  • Sleep Walking -
    ... assist us in our medical care, and are beginning to substitute...
  • Dadameter -
    ... technologies of control to draw cartographies of language at large...
  • (in)human sciences -
    ... (Paris), NICC (Antwerp) and Careof (Milan). The project was...
  • ... within the frame of dynamic cards reactualized in real time based...