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  • Compass -
    Compass is a kind of orientation machine to wear around your waist that gives you directions while you are walking through virtual corridors and rooms. These have been programmed to fit the physical exhibition space or any other venue. The machine
  • Mirror -
    A dark room with a large vibrating mirror deforms the reflection of the visitor. (The installation is to be visited individually.) At first the vibrations are so subtle that you might wonder if it are your own eyes that are having trouble to focus.
  • Changes of State -
    ... with the decorator and owner. At night we would take the switches out, to reduce the chances of the PWD (public works department, which is on the lookout for electrical violations) finding them. Pressing any of the buttons was technically a crime,...
  • ... in-situ, and their form was largely determined by the decorators and residents themselves. As you turn the crank, the lit part of the ring of lights moves, for example from the Kothari building onto the trees, or from one minaret to the next. Changing the...
  • The Savant Guard -
    ...The Savant Guard is a public art commission for the city of Pasadena, California. Since its opening in July 2006 it is one of the few outdoor, publicly accessible "interactive" artowrks in the US. This project is a collaboration between myself and Christina Ulke,...
  • Windscreen -
    ... much technology was wilfuly discarded, and replaced with a single force - the wind Wind has a checkered history in the arts, Kinetic art and wind-driven "yardart" being well known examples. In the "media arts', it has been intremittenty used, most...
  • Conclusive Evidence -
    ... years later, the same novel was called Other Shores. This play on the titles is all the more pertinent when related to the artist's idea of demonstrating that the distance between two points situated at antipodes is close to zero. To illustrate such...
  • World Wide VIP -
    Three accessories identify a VIP: his/her passport, cell phone and international credit card. One sculpture condenses these three products into one. To attain this trophy, visitors must take a journey dotted with contradictory messages vaunting the
  • Extruder -
    The automobile is a fascinating machine. Since its inception the automobile has driven us faster and faster into the future. Carving out the modern world, it has done brilliantly, reproducing itself by the multi-millions. Along the way it has
  • Carry On -
    Paranoia is the state of the world. Propelled by our media, we have re-assumed our place in the jungle, afraid of the invisible predator all around us. Constantly watching and watched, what is it that we look for? Consisting of six vintage