Archive Search

  • ... installation The autonomous audio-kinetic...
  • Horizon -
    ... time zone around the world. The result is a...
    ... from all over the web. This library of...
  • Virtual Lascaux -
    ...Virtual Lascaux is the brainchild of Benjamin Britton,...
  • Light from Tomorrow -
    ... on an expedition to The Kingdom of Tonga, where...
  • Weather Gauge -
    ... in a large array, the whole field of...
  • Telephony -
    ... based in some way on the popular and prevalent,...
  • Thalamus -
    ... gallery space where the user navigates the work...
  • Second Promenade -
    ... relationship to the original of Rousseaus...
  • Triggerhappy -
    ... and comments upon, the electronic environment in...