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  • Fifteen points (XV) defines the role of cognitive dissonance in diverse reactive spaces. In an interactive floor projection, viewers are encouraged to move throughout the space and engage in the manipulation of the art piece. Detecting both sound
  • An exploration of the beauty within the fragile Polar environments. Inspired by first-hand accounts from Ernest Shackleton’s 1914 expedition to the Antarctic, Dominic Harris’ Endurance: The Polar Studies transports the viewer to extreme regions of
  • Digital decentralisationArtist: Karen AlekyanComment:
  • Facing Data -
    The amazing human ability to get information from faces have been influential to certain visualizations -like Chernoff faces - which explore that perceptual condition to represent data or information. In general, the visualizations using faces work
  • Video of the launch of a helium ballon to the Stratosphere (20 kilometers high up). The balloon carried a payload with an experiment using 3 black and white video cameras with color filters in front in order to produce a final video in full color.
  • Imagining Macondo -
    Imagining Macondo is a public artwork that commemorates Nobel Prize-winning author Gabriel Garci?a Ma?rquez. It was first showcased at the Bogota International Book Fair in April 2015 to an audience of more than 300,000 over the course of two weeks.
  • Open(ing) Source -
    To open the source code is one of the most significant processes in our contemporary technological landscape -the main reference is the free software culture or so called open source culture-. Opening the code means to share and to make something
  • Virtual Station is an audio-video project which reminds us of the existing emotional states of a human being. The key of the project is the computer-human interaction. The project involves visual, auditory and emotional receptors. Visual and sound
    ”Joining different life forms, two different DNA, creates an even more beautiful and more resistant life form, a stronger DNA. Unknown life forms from other planet came down to Earth, in a silent crash of two worlds.” Using the symbiosis of two
  • Noor: A Brain Opera, Ellen Pearlman’s latest installation, is a 360 degree fully immersive, neurologically driven performance that took place on May 18, 2016, ISEA 2016 Hong Kong international society for electronic art. An EEG (electroencephalogram