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  • ... 72 x 44 x 30 cm "Semioptics for Spinoza" is the third installation from Rafael Lozano-Hemmer’s... on the wall behind the lens is a set of artificial lens flares generated by equations that...
  •, piracy, and the office of religious weblog expansion, 2009 Mixed... (performance, installation, online project, artists’ book) Text based on an interview with...
  • The Electronic artist opens Recorders: Rafael Lozano-Hemmer at Manchester Art Gallery on Wednesday 15... The Electronic artist opens Recorders: Rafael Lozano-Hemmer at Manchester Art Gallery on Wednesday 15...
  • Documentary.
  • ... 2013 storefront installation 1133 Ave of the Americas (near 43rd Street) New York, NY 10036
  • process 18 -
    ... bitforms gallery, Nueva York The Process works explore geometric drawing... reliefs that translate the gray values into threedimensional coordinates
  • sandbox -
    ... Foundation, Ámsterdam Acknowledgements: The Netherlands Foundation for Visual Arts,... The Netherlands Foundation for Visual Arts, Architecture and Design, Ámsterdam ...
  • the conversation -
    ...ralf baecker the conversation, 2009 99 solonoides, custom electronics (microcontrollers/drivers),... Production support: LABoral Centro de Arte y Creación Industrial, Gijón This work is...
  • 400s -
    ... wood, various electronics Supported by: The Danish Arts Council Committee for Visual Arts... electronics Supported by: The Danish Arts Council Committee for Visual Arts Courtesy:...