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  • ... networking. Visitors can freely interact and navigate within the...
  • Froze
    ... be liberating, a chance to stop whatever you were doing and to think... to be a very stable OS, my PC freezes at least twice a day. When your...
  • Art-ID/Cyb-ID -
    ... in which minds can float freely in search of new conceptual...
  • Wild -
    ... sculpture than a major freeway. The structure is built up...
  • Stanze -
    ... of the screen. The observer has freedom to move around the room and...
  • ... can compose a melody freely by arranging magnet with red LED...
  • the leap -
    ... to ride and navigate freely through a virtual reality...
  • ... the original idea: after some freefight-punching, the voice of a...
  • ... and users can move around freely to use their devices anywhere...
  • Push /Pull
    ... level. The round objects move freely in any direction within their...