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  • Tele-Twister -
    ... You can log in as a guest, but we much prefer if you register for yourown password. Just go to the Register...
  • ... of people was changed - or evolved - by the audience's presence and movement within the gallery space. When the audience...
  • E-Sparks -
    ... acquired in the computer. A tracking program detects people presence in terms of change detection in the image. This information...
  • Relazioni Emergenti -
    ... the self-organization is enhanced by the synchronic presence of the two media and completed in the mind of the observer....
  • Stanze -
    ... of the observer. On the screen the artists superimpose predefined images with that ones of the observers extracted by the...
  • ... counteracting couples of images and musical compositions are presented. The observer-listener could navigate by walking on the...
  • Boids
    ... model was used in the early experiments. It included predictive obstacle avoidance and goal seeking. Obstacle avoidance...
  • Neuro Baby -
    ... of Art, Science, and Technology, Cambridge/Mass.: MIT Press 2002, p. 795). “It doesn't matter what words you use, but...
  • ... of Art, Science, and Technology, Cambridge/Mass.: MIT Press 2002, pp. 795-796).
  • Delvaux's Dream -
    ... art works. Moreover, the fact that Bielicky has sought to preserve life-like dimensions in the computer-modeled Delvaux...