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  • Cell Ghosts -
    ... later as a ghost. The person passing by also activates text. The...
  • Cross Currents -
    ... with scenario URBANO) and Motel Vilina Vlas (Sprengel Museum,... dimension of the war. Although passed over in the general coverage of...
  • Pentimento - video
    ... with integrated vision based motion detection system articulated to...
  • ... best known for his stop-motion films of charcoal drawings, the...
  • ... construction and play on the passivity and participation of the...
  • ... from the heart and by capturing motion. Sound waves enter the computer...
  • ... appearance to abstraction, passing by technical illustration. ...
  • Embracement -
    ... women engaged in a range of emotional exchanges. As if remembering... gestural trices of a moment in passing.
  • Run Motherfucker Run -
    ...Run Motherfucker Run is an interactive installation whereby anyone in good...
  • The Trill-machine -
    ...A machine that sets an entire building in motion through vibrations. Use of this...