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  • The work is an interactive media art installation incorporating "eye tracking input" technology. Structures of molecules are generated real-time according to the movements of the viewers eyes during their interaction. The viewer wears a pair of
  • In an echoless room a computer and various measuring devices are used to amplify the sound of a body"s internal organs. In the silence, the visitor first hears the sounds inside his or her body, and then the amplified versions from audio speakers. A
  • The Butterfly in the Brain is the name of an exhibition that referenced the human nervous system. It consisted of a series of digital prints that employs the image of a brain that has been produced by MRI technology. Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
  • A frame from the stereo animation A Volume of 2- Dimensional Julia Sets. This animation (like most computer animations) took up to 30 minutes per frame to render, 54,000 times slower than real time. In the early 1980s (with the exception of space
  • The Bush Soul (#1) -
    Bush Soul # 1 is the first work in a series of three interactive art installations that explore the role of human presence in a world of artificial life. (Rebecca Allen)
  • Is a computer-driven slide installation with a soundtrack. The images are projected onto a wall and onto net hung in a ladder . The net creates hologram-like three-dimensional effects. Computerized dissolve equipment produces sequences of images
  • Spectropia -
    A work in progress , is an evening-length interactive media performance performed by two players with the the participation of audience members. Spectropia can also be presented as an interactive installation for two viewers at museums, festivals
  • A romance thriller about shopping, Artificial Changelings is presented as an installation in which one person at a time uses body movement to interact with sound and images. Viewers can take turns either as particpants or spectators. The story opens
  • Abstraction Machine / Erotic - The Voyeur of Light (1994) was a site specific installation in a hotel room, Room 33 Gallery, Regent's Court Hotel, Sydney, Australia. The security viewer was inverted so that visitors could view into the room. A
  • Eden -
    Eden is an interactive, self-generating, artificial ecosystem. A cellular world is populated by collections of evolving creatures. Creatures move about the environment, making and listening to sounds, foraging for food, encountering predators and