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  • ... and drawings were derived from digitally modified...
  • Homunculus Agora -
    ... The Homunculus derives its name from an...
  • ... the traditional theme of vanitas. The transfiguration of... body today. In a broader perspective it questions the...
  • loop 1,54' Video Vanitas – Self-portrait presents a hypnotic... (allegoricality as understood by Walter Benjamin, in...
  • ... things, the Moscow neoavant-garde group Collective... Uršula Berlot’s work derives, on the one hand, from the...
  • ... Analyzer – for Vannevar Bush 4) dna - DNA Computer...
  • Nebulae
    ... on abstract templates derived from microscopic...
  • ... sections of equal length derived from the video/sound in...
  • T-wo.gen
    ... one’s mind. What relevance does this have to cognitive... media-elements derived from the initial context....
  • ... Stahl Stenslie Derrick De Kerckhove Philip...