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  • Rambona -
    ... girl) into an image of power. Rambo becomes Rambona....
  • a dance video on a theme of war, power and violence. In the world... The work studies the representations of violence and...
  • one minute
    ... becomes the starting point for linking the lives of...
  • Liquid Language -
    ... texts. At each branching point of the tree, there are... resulting in a representation of a wandering stream...
  • Traces -
    ... to a single Cartesian point, the body is checked at the...
  • ... and its conditions. Its point of departure is the... between image and representation, denying the Web as...
  • Virtual Terms -
    ... At the same time, the power of these headlines is...
  • ... surface by adjusting the power of the electromagnet. The...
  • ... at the Shanghai Power Station of Art in November... The height of the view point, the size and window...
  • ... audiovisual etude called POWEr Play involving a...