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  • ... themes achieved in our previous work Cyclone.soc, but specifically...
  • ... with the interior, faith-based work of the church, but also mingles...
  • Bodytext
    ...Bodytext is a performance work that involves speech, movement and the body. A...
  • "Touch me"
    ...The work "Touch me" of Alba D'Urbano from 1995 is an interactive digital video...
  • ... joystick. For this work the authors researched the...
  • ... it should be an outrage that Apple doesn’t pay any taxes on its... As an artist I like to work with legal codes that can be...
  • ... Amsterdam. In other venues the work usually occupies a specially...
  • ... words, "an observing network at work," capturing erotic and...
  • ... on space and time. SPACE. My work consists of several short...
  • ... of global teleworking. This work requires from teleworkers a...