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  • ...Internet, digital carving Relics from the World... carved into different kind of materials. They...
  • ... are digitally carved on the model of world...
  • House Fire
    Cardiff and Miller have been working collaboratively and... Cardiff and Miller have been working collaboratively and...
  • ... inside. The image and sound illussion is made... Janet Cardiff & George Bures Miller developed in "The Muriel...
  • To Touch
    ... to contact, to handle. The common museum... activates different voices coming out of the...
  • Playhouse
    ... sound, video and performance in a fusion... Janet Cardiff’s Playhouse [1997], a collaborative...
  • Homographies -
    ... measures 1.83 m long and is rotated using a... contrast to the cartesian grids that organize...
  • Less Than Three -
    ... flashes of light and this light pattern is... voices can be carried simultaneously and...
  • ... by Janet Cardiff and George Bures Miller, is... by Janet Cardiff and George Bures...
  • electric earth -
    ... night. A flaming car and an abandoned shopping... by night. A flaming car and an abandoned shopping...