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  • La Machine à idées -
    Sur un site de vente de produits high tech, la possibilité offerte au visiteur de participer à la conception de nouveaux produits avec l'aide active d'une interface de création, cataliseur d'innovation. conception: Maurice Benayoun design:
  • Long Wave - video
    Long wave is a site specific installation that was commissioned by Luminato, Toronto Festival of Arts + Creativity and was on view at the Allen Lambert Galleria, Brookfield Place, Toronto, June 5 - 20, 2009. It is a 380 foot long, 60 foot high
  • AME: Art After Museum -
    an art collection concieved by contemporary artists for virtual reality OPUS IN MACHINA > IMAGO EX MACHINA ART EXPLORER : AN ACTIVE SPECTATOR Milestones for an Art After Museum Is there thing such as Art After Museum ? Cosa Mentale Back to
  • Cityscapes
    Overview Cityscapes (2008) provides a common ground where people can share their experiences of the places where they live and have lived, or visited, even of places they've imagined, read about, hope or have hoped to visit. Cityscapes is not only
  • asciiimage -
    ASCIIImage aims at creating an online tool to generate ASCII art from jpg images uploaded by its visitors. This net-art work discusses the intersections of words and images by implementing an algorithm that recognizes luminance of different areas of
  • Silence -
    From the entrance into the site, the announcement “Noise = absence of language = silence” warns us that the limits of our understanding will be scrambled and the paths followed will be flavoured with the sweet absurdity of surrealism. Then a thin
  • A project in Environmental Art - urban art created a translocated geography, to commemorate the 200 years of liberation of Latin American countries, in 2010 mixing two places in the city of São Paulo. The signal transmission, via a wireless network,
  • DualTerm explores our contemporary experience of the global airport. Visitors to Toronto's Pearson Airport's Terminal One come upon a sculptural shape with five embedded plasma screen monitors. On the left most monitor, a computer generated 3-D
  • Streaming Museum, an international public art and online museum, will celebrate its fourth anniversary on January 31 with the US premiere of “Emotion Forecast” and “Occupy Wall Screens,” real-time artworks by the renowned French artist Maurice
  • Long time no dig… Seventeen years after the first virtual tunnel: The Tunnel under the Atlantic (1995), linking the Pompidou Centre in Paris and the Museum of Contemporary Art in Montreal, and fifteen years after the Paris New Delhi Tunnel, now is