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  • "Solar Equation," 2010 Aerostat, 5 HD projectors, 7 computers, custom software 14m / 48' balloon "Solar Equation" is a large-scale public art installation that consists of a faithful simulation of the Sun, 100 million times smaller than the real
  • The Year's Midnight, 2011 Computer, software, camera, high-resolution display, Seeing Machines face recognition 105.5 x 80 x 12 cm Ed. 3/6, 1 AP (RLH 89.3) White or black smoke bellows from the eyes of the viewer. Live and recorded eyeballs
  • "Autopoiesis", 2010 mirror, surveillance camera, laser projector, proximity sensor, computer running custom face-tracking algorithms 20" x 14" x 7.5" / 51 x 36 x 19 cm edition of 6, 1 AP When people look at themselves in this small mirror they see
  • Phoney -
    Most days we spend a great deal of time watching screens and massaging interfaces. It is only through the looking glass of our devices that we may assume our electronic doppelganger. Wearing it like invisible armor, our avatar helps us navigate and
  • Drawing Machine 3.1415926 v. 2 explores the notion of generative art or art that makes art on its own. The piece consists of a three tiered mobile sculpture that is driven by the vibration of a motor. This vibration is controlled in two ways. First
  • Mapping the void -
    Mapping the Void is a series of urban performances by Pessi Parviainen and Christophe Bruno. The performances study the relations between different physical places and the mapping of the global mediascape as we know it.
  • The Neighbour -
    "The neighbour, neither friend nor enemy, is the one who may not be in your "network", but is nevertheless in your world." (Sukumaran) This ambitious project is Sukumaran's first major one-person exhibition in the UK. In The Neighbour, two
  • Park View Hotel -
    Park View Hotel stretches between the Cesar Chavez plaza in downtown San Jose and the neighbouring Fairmont Hotel. Using specially-built pointing devices, audiences in the park can access interior hotel spaces, by "pinging" them optically. Once
  • Shrink -
    Two large, transparent plastic sheets and a device that gradually sucks the air out from between them leave the body (in this case the artist himself) vacuum-packed and vertically suspended. The transparent tube inserted between the two surfaces
  • Nemo Observatorium -
    Styrofoam beads are blown around in a big transparent PVC cylinder by five strong fans. Visitors can take place on the armchair in the middle of the whirlpool or observe from the outside one at a time. On the chair, in the eye of the storm it is