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  • Seascape -
    ...SEASCAPE consists of a series of gradually unfolding digital...
  • ... skyline. The images were constructed a pixel a second from...
  • Spew -
    ...It´s a Simulation game that continues data from the real world.
  • ... broadcasts with contemporary journalism projected...
  • Beacon
    ... it represents a vital conversation that has taken place...
  • Continuum
    ... of the screen image. Continuum is a "mirror" that...
  • Blowup
    ... interaction. The work consists of a large video...
  • Tower
    ... word. All new word conjunctions are accumulated and...
  • Punishment 1 -
    ... The series was later continued in a different setting....
  • Der Schrei
    ... own axis and produces a constant, penetrating, cyclical...