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  • Close Up - video
    ..."Close-up" is the third piece of the ShadowBox series of...
  • Entanglement -
    ... 182 x 38 cm. The signs simply say the word...
  • ... system that detects the position of the public in...
  • Homographies -
    ... that responds to the movement of the public....
  • Less Than Three -
    ... along one of the several possible pathways...
  • Microphone -
    ...(...) The result is surprising because the sound comes...
  • Pulse Front -
    ... that measured the heart rate of passers-by....
  • ...'LPDT2 : The Second Life of La Plissure du Texte' is the...
  • Pulse Room - video
    ... of three metres. The bulbs are uniformly...
  • Sustained Coincidence -
    ... activated by the spatial relationships of...