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  • The Savant Guard -
    The Savant Guard is a public art commission for the city of Pasadena, California. Since its opening in July 2006 it is one of the few outdoor, publicly accessible "interactive" artowrks in the US. This project is a collaboration between myself
  • Windscreen -
    Windscreen is an experimental, wind-driven physical interface, 2001. Any physical scale habitable by the human body is also "inhabited" by massive levels of sensory data, equivalent to perhaps millions of analog-to-digital inputs a second. My
  • process 18 -
    c.e.b. reas process 18, 2008 Text, unique custom software, documentation prints and CDs, computer, projector, wood panels; unique milled fiber composite; pair of unique C-Prints Courtesy: bitforms gallery, Nueva York The Process works
  • sandbox -
    driessens & verstappen sandbox, 2009 Wood, lacquer, metal, fans, sand, electronics, 245 x 122 x 176 cm Supported by: Mondriaan Foundation, Ámsterdam Acknowledgements: The Netherlands Foundation for Visual Arts, Architecture and Design,
  • the conversation -
    ralf baecker the conversation, 2009 99 solonoides, custom electronics (microcontrollers/drivers), strings, rubberbands, wires Production support: LABoral Centro de Arte y Creación Industrial, Gijón This work is part of a series of
  • hello process! -
    aymeric mansoux / marloes de valk , 2006-2010 Computer, dot matrix printer, chain paper and ink The source code of Hello Process! can be found at: and it is sold under Public License GNU , version
  • der zeresser -
    leo peschta der zermesser, 2007 Robot Der Zermesser is an autonomous object whose purpose is to feel its way around and to articulate the relation between its own form and its surroundings. Each side and each corner are autonomous entities. The
  • Flat Earth -
    Flat Earth is a desktop documentary, which takes the viewer on a seven minute trip around the world so that we encounter a series of fragments taken from real peoples' blogs. These fragments are knitted together to form a kind of story or singular
  • from bitforms gallery PRO 1 year ago / Creative Commons License: by not yet rated "Voice Array," 2011 Subsculpture 13 intercom, 576 white LED lights, holosonic speaker, custom-made hardware and software display dimensions variable "Voice
  • Extruder -
    The automobile is a fascinating machine. Since its inception the automobile has driven us faster and faster into the future. Carving out the modern world, it has done brilliantly, reproducing itself by the multi-millions. Along the way it has