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  • Clockwork -
    Twelve concrete mixers are arranged in a circle in the center of a large rectangular space. They form an “erosion machine” designed to accelerate the decay of Vienna. The mixing drums are filled with architectural debris taken from various buildings
  • The Wanderkino deals with the Art and Science under the absence of weight. As a mix of film, performance and lecture it shows flying machines with mechanisms based on gravity and weightlessness, examines cloud cores and presents a gravimetric
  • 42-The Large Meteor T-R-A-P investigates the possibilities of calculating and steering a meteor safely down to Earth. On October 7th 2008 the first meteor ever to be predicted impacted in Sudan exactly on time. Many scientists are working on
  • The "Tropospheric Laboratory" allows insights into cloud cores and other matter of the apogee. The installation narrates the synthesis of clouds and shows varying conditions and combinations of art and science in the absence of weight. The
  • SelfieSaoPaulo -
    A site-specific project for a media facade in Sao Paulo, Brazil, for the 2014 SP_Urban Festival. Together with Moritz Stefaner and Jay Chow. The project develops further the ideas from Selfiecity published early in 2014. For SelfieSaoPaulo,
  • Freud-Lissitzky Navigator is a computer game prototype; a software narrative; a tool to navigate through 20th century cultural history; an experiment in developing analysis of new media that uses the very forms of new media (in this case, computer
  • DeadPlanetFine* -
    DEADplanetFINE* #interactive #mouseover #animations DEADplanetFINE*, is an Orwellian web 1.0 retro-renaissance remixology project consisting of looped animated mouseover gif-film-crawls. DEADplanetFINE*, are animated acid humorous
  • José is a robot who doesn’t respond normally to external stimulation, showing autistic symptoms of social reject and lack of communication. The robot’s performing depends directly on its level of fear related to the amount and behavior of the
  • Collector -
    Collector- a man with an electromechanical street-organ. He walks out to the streets of any city, to any place and just rotates the handle of his instrument. Yet, instead of the repetitious reproduction of the pre-inscribed melodies the street-organ
  • 'Dark Matter' is a fully immersive, physically interactive, three-dimensional digital projection environment. The artwork explores whether the body might be perceived as an absence, inferred from the physical and cultural information around it. In