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  • data.spectra -
    data.spectra is the first work of the data.series. Across the entire width of a darkened room is an intensely bright, narrow screen. On moving closer, the screen reveals that the source of the flood of light into the room is a vast array of tiny
  • -
    how many points are there in a line? What is the number of numbers? How can we verify that the random is random? is part of the datamatics project, which is a series of experiments that explore such questions, physically and
  • Beyond Pages -
    ... of the surface and the rigidness of the characters is overcome in an elegant manner. Fujihata introduces moments of surprise the...
  • ... 18, Shanghai, avril 2005 3. "like music on vinyl", 2008 ("comme la musique sur du vinyle") Frozen Feelings Alone 26 03 2005...
  • db -
    ... frequencies that human ears can bear, db is a hyper-dense composition of sine waves, white noise and other elements, which blurs...
  • ... At the small end, at the visitor’s face height, people come to have a look inside. They don’t immediately understand that their...
  • The stock market of World's emotions Real time rating of the World's Emotions. Internet, diode screens Like for the stock exchange, 3200 quotations for an emotion coresponding at 3200 cities all over the world are displayed in real
  • Interactive installation Emotion vending machine, music, internet The Emotion Vending Machine is the 12th act of an opus including 15 acts : the Mechanics of Emotions. The emotion vending machine is displayed like a vending machine for drinks
  • A high resolution interactive display that simultaneously shows 864 video clips of news anchors taken from TV broadcasts in the United States and Mexico. As the viewer stands in front of the piece his or her silhouette is shown on the display and
  • ... 5, JFK] is Ryoji Ikeda's stunning site-specific installation commissioned for the tunnel as part of Terminal 5, an exhibition...