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  • e-box
    Packaging of the Frozen Feelings Emotional packaging
  • Blow Up - video
    Blow-up is a high resolution interactive display that is designed to fragment a surveillance camera view into 2400 virtual cameras that zoom into the exhibition space in fluid and autonomous motion. Inspired by Antonioni, the piece is intended as a
  • Petite Terre -
    The work is made up of a small natural environment. Four small speakers are hidden under the leaves of the vegetation which covers most of the surface of this world. This world is in fact an island surrounded completely by water. The world is
  • The central element in "Silicon Remembers Carbon" is a large video image projected down onto a bed of sand on the floor of the installation space. In the second version, instead of laser-discs, the video source is made up from 2 streams of MPEG-2
  • 60 -
    "60" is a version of "Very Nervous System" designed especially for the "I am Listening" show of sound sculptures at the Glendon Gallery at York University, Toronto, Canada. "60" uses the softVNS.htmlI motion processor, and a additive synthesis
  • Close Up - video
    ... the piece, the system automatically starts recording and makes a video of him or her....
  • ... division into separate objects or parts, colour analysis, texture analysis, etc.)...
  • Universal Translator -
    Universal Translator is an interactive sound and video work focussed on the sound hardware of the human body. The interface for this work is a microphone with a micro video camera embedded in its head so that the camera looks directly at the
  • Entanglement -
    ... the strange property exhibited by two particles that behave as one. The two signs are to...
  • Exhibition Image -
    ...Exhibition ImageArtist: Rafael Lozano-HemmerComment: