Archive Search

  • Conversation Map -
    conversation map, 2000

    Website built with the Java and Perl programming languages

    Conversation Map summarises and visualises very large-scale conversations which take place online in mailing...
  • antidatamining -
    Antidatamining is a series of visualisations of financial data. Economy is represented by its main agents –companies, groups and holdings, stock exchanges, banks and investment funds– and their interaction: capital relationships, geographic...
  • la huella -
    la huella, 2010

    iMac, Quartz Composer, microphone, projector, 200 x 150 cm

    La huella is a generative work that evolves in a loop of creation, adaptation and destruction. It is a reflection on survival and evolution in nature, a neverending...
  • 2002/03 tangible communication device "Mobile Feelings" is an artistic project that explores the ambivalence of sharing personal information with an anonymous audience. Instead of communication via voice or images to people we know, "Mobile Feelings"...
  • circulation -
    circulation, 2010
    MP4 Full HD y Flash (RSS Yahoo)
    The man: Vincent Charlebois
    The woman: Mélissa Gagné
    Production: Agence Topo para Geoweb

    Circulation elaborates a parallel between two lovers’ discourse and the flow of cars, because...
  • Custom electronics, modified montreal-saskatoon miller solar engines, super capacitors, custom solar panels, sunlight, wire, cinder blocks, 55 gallon drum, shock cord, hardware, miniature pumps, plastic tubing and connectors, modified 18L water...
  • span 3 -
    isabelle jenniches
    span 3, 2008-2009
    Digital LightJet print, 73.7 x 304.8 cm
    Acknowledgements: Jeroen Doorenweerd & Rijksgebouwendienst, Douanekantoor Maasvlakte

    Many miles away from the actual location, yet connected via the Internet,...
  • process 18 -
    c.e.b. reas
    process 18, 2008
    Text, unique custom software, documentation prints and CDs, computer, projector, wood panels; unique milled fiber composite; pair of unique C-Prints

    Courtesy: bitforms gallery, Nueva York

    The Process works...
  • driessens & verstappen
    e-volved cultures xxwide, 2008
    Variable screen. Software for Mac OS X, installation with 2 projectors
    Supported by: Mondriaan Foundation, Ámsterdam
    Acknowledgements: The Netherlands Foundation for Visual Arts,...
  • growth pattern -
    allison kudla
    growth pattern, 2010
    A light box array of Petri dishes containing agar, nutrients, hormones, die-cut leaves
    Production: LABoral Centro de Arte y Creación Industrial, Gijón
    Acknowledgements: Universidad de Washington, Seattle;...