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    PIXELSHADE (I & II) The ‘PixelShades’ are part of a series of projects that were developed for the occasion of showing with Ingo Maurer in Milan & New York in 2006 and 2007. They are designed to print out any digital information (images,
  • ANGELS - video
    ...The First Immersive Virtual Reality Movie. "ANGELS" was conceived at...
  • Amplitude
    AMPLITUDE Commissioned by Design Miami for the Fendi flagship store / Rome 2010 Conceived as further experimental research into the principles of the Radius installation, Amplitue concentrates once more on the direct and physical relationship
  • CHAMBERS - video
    ... movie in the Virtual Reality TRILOGY, programmed in...
  • Pixelroller -
    PIXELROLLER VARIOUS PROTOTYPES 2005-2010 PixelRollers do exactly what their name suggests. They are performance tools for rapidly applying any pixel based graphics (user-generated content from the internet, your phone, a dedicated camera, etc)
  • DYNASTY - video
    ...DYNASTY" is Stenger's third Virtual Reality movie, programmed for...
  • The PERMANENT exhibition of the Arc de Triomphe conceived and directed by Maurice Benayoun and Christophe Girault, architect, is being dismantled to give place to a souvenir shop. To react to this obscene act of institutional vandalism, Maurice
  • Stolen Life -
    Two concepts have marked 21st century creation, the metaphysical consequence of which is obvious to everyone, despite their apparent differences. The first is the idea that it is the spectator who creates the picture and the second is that the
  • White Cube -
    The spirit of contemporary art Most of the sensible minds have understood, since now long, that there is no reason to produce significant artwork nor explore virgin territories. It is a fundamental fact: it has to « be like contemporary art »…as
  • Out of the dump -
    communiqué Centre des Arts Pour ce dernier volet de la saison, le centre des arts invite l’esprit prolifique de Maurice Benayoun à investir ses espaces ainsi que ceux de la Médiathèque George Sand d’Enghien-les-Bains autour de deux propositions