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  • ... Boissier and Daniel Pinkas and produced with Haute Ecole d'arts appliques de Geneva, and was shown at the Centre pour L'image...
  • Talking Tree -
    ..."Talking Tree" is also a project started with interviews (like "Landing Home in Geneva" 2005). It started with one of the oldest lady in the...
  • off-sense 2006 -
    The physical space of the gallery becomes entangled with the navigable space of the virtual environment in “Off-sense”. This sprawling installation of computer hardware provides access to a virtual world, where avatars float, roam and communicate
  • Unformed Symbols -
    ... shuffle and change suits. The use of playing cards serves as a metaphor for the illusionistic practice of the magician (or con man),... the table alongside actual cards, yet animated to split apart, shuffle and change suits. The use of playing cards serves as a...
  • Telephony -
    Telephony allows gallery visitors to dial into a wall based grid of 42 Siemens mobile telephones, which in turn begin to call each other and create a piece of 'music.' Each phone has been individually programmed with a different ringtone, which
  • Thalamus -
    ... (cyber)space and as such draws a parallel between the unearthing of buried information in the brain with some ideas of...
  • Triggerhappy -
    ... environment in which we live, work and play. "In effect", the artists say, "triggerhappy becomes a folly. A self-defeating...
  • ... made by the Catalan scientist Francesc Salvá. It examines the metaphors encoded within technology, especially lost or orphaned... based on early proposals for the electrical telegraph, in particular those made by the Catalan scientist Francesc Salvá. It...
  • Eyepiece -
    ... eyeballs in 1979. In 1983, it was re-filmed for the Siggraph Art Show using Ed Tannenbaum’s realtime image processor to make an...
  • Speaking in tongues -
    Speaking in Tongues is a gallery based environment examining Our relationship with narrative and dataflow invisibly coursing through our environment all the time space where all manner of wireless transmission augments our Spheres of Influence while