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  • Weather Gauge -
    In Weather Gauge, numerical weather data from over 150 countries is simultaneously represented in a gallery forming an array of hypnotic animated data referencing a huge global spread of live information. Each piece of weather data rotates between
  • ... their home or apartment and ended at a place where they felt comfortable or wished to invite Masaki. Content focuses the place and...
  • Talking Tree -
    ... and the shape of the connecitons grows like a tree. It was commissioned by KUNSTHAUS, Graz.
  • off-sense 2006 -
    ... environment in “Off-sense”. This sprawling installation of computer hardware provides access to a virtual world, where avatars...
  • Unformed Symbols -
    ... intended for play, catches the viewer off-guard when they come to life and refuse to react to their presence. In this way, the...
  • Telephony -
    ... the work (whether inside or beyond the gallery walls) the more complex and layered the audio becomes. A piece of anodyne 'elevator'...
  • Thalamus -
    'Thalamus' is a simple user led environment designed for DATA projection into a gallery space where the user navigates the work with a mouse or slider set on a plinth placed squarely infront of the projection. The piece uses a metronome scale as a
  • Triggerhappy -
    ... who has encountered that early arcade game, Space Invaders combining an absurd quest for information with an old-fashioned...
  • ... Email messages sent from around the world are received by a computer and spelled out, one letter at a time over three fanciful...
  • Eyepiece -
    ... version, called "Computer Eyepiece." Both Eyepiece and Computer Eyepiece had been exhibited as a site-specific component,...