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  • Mood Swings -
    The Mood Swings installation creates states of emotion and perception by translating the viewer's body into a swarm of moving particles that change "moods" from one extreme to another. As the visitor's image is captured on a live video
  • roots -
    ...roots, 2005-2006 Glasstank, water, ironsulfate, copperwires, platinum, computer, sound system The sculpture works in a cyclic way....
  • ... invisible Euclidian architecture with an amorphous field. A computer-system in the exhibition will dive through the aether space...
  • ... enveloped in large size projections. The space station is not comprised of inflexible, rigid material - it is not hardware but...
  • ... g, h, i, j), 2006 Series of infinite visual installations. Computer, specific algorithm Courtesy: the artist This series of...
  • Water Bowls -
    ... related to our connected human condition. Some of the most common metaphors of water such as the reflection of the moon, a drop...
  • LPDT2 -
    'LPDT2 : The Second Life of La Plissure du Texte' is the Second Life® incarnation of Roy Ascott's groundbreaking new media art work La Plissure du Texte ('The Pleating of the Text'), created in 1983 and exhibited at the Musee de l'Art Moderne de la
  • Morel´s Panorama -
    Digital video installation Custom-made panorama camera, PC, data projector, Macintosh, loud speakers In Morel's Panorama, imagery fed from a panoramic camera (installed in the centre of the gallery) is mapped onto a rendered cylindrical image
  • ... and movements and interact with each other. Some modules combine both sound and movement and create fusions and a feedback of...
  • Horizon -
    ... idiosynratic global electronic sundial. This installation was commissioned by Dundee Contemporary Arts for the exhibition,...