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  • White Cube -
    ... Most of the sensible minds have understood, since now long, that there...
  • ...On what the temporal understanding of space and the play of memory
  • AME: Art After Museum -
    ... the work (pictogram ?) - undefined information cloud - any other...
  • ... system possess any memory or understanding of the messages... alternately and to produce hydrogen bubbles. Nowhere does the system...
  • ... of Ulster. With his deep understanding from classical music to...
  • Cityscapes
    ... . . are allowing devices to understand their places among people,...
  • Silence -
    ... warns us that the limits of our understanding will be scrambled and the...
  • ... interface is one of the keys to understand the piece.
  • Contre Temps -
    ... made more visible. This action underlines the role a museum plays,...
  • ... inside. They don’t immediately understand that their face will be...