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  • ... control from Earth’s orbit and the exploitation of other planets. One could describe the whole thing as a truly cosmic ‘Deep Fake’.... further ahead – it could be described as the first data-driven dictatorship. Its digital social credit system is to be exported...
  • ... data. Others exhibit a more purposeful behaviour as they are driven by patterns in the data which emerge from an artificial neural...
  • ... x 22 x 8.5 in.) Csuri's wooden sculpture Numeric Milling is one of the few early computer sculptures created with a... of the few early computer sculptures created with a computer-driven milling machine. Artist's Comments This work made use of the...
  • ... operating with no set duration running on an infinite loop. Drone-like sounds of whirling fans within the projectors are accentuated... and mechanical clicks of the projector's internal cam-driven logic controllers to form an abstract audial composition. Unlike...
  • More Than Us -
    ... data. Others exhibit a more purposeful behaviour as they are driven by patterns in the data which emerge from an artificial neural...
  • Ototoxicity -
    ... two sonic worlds, the internal and external colliding with one dominating the other are examined in this project. *This mental... rational mind is disrupted by compulsive emotionally driven thoughts and actions.