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  • ...A hybrid form of landscape cinema capturing the year of an unnamed hollow way that forms the stream bed...
  • ... to #3' present onomatopoetic stories and form exemplary linguistic reference systems. The...
  • Perfume Organ -
    ... power of perfume and giving material form to its suggestive energy, femininity and...
  • ... co-ordinate system, you get various wave forms; in the case of repetitive movement, sine...
  • ... software art, but above all it is a new form of digital poetics. TBT offers a creative,...
  • House of Cards -
    ... Nominations 2009 - Grammy (Best Short Form Music Video) - UK VMA (Best Rock Video),...
  • ... "to read or to transmit" to my hand -in form of audio - fragments of the human genome. The...
  • ... and Eurydice myth. These characters form a proverbial "Eternal Triangle". Each screen...
  • Arcs21 -
    ... offered to the user in a quasi-encrypted form. The user can decrypt and carry forward this...
  • Re-reading the News -
    ... second. "Re-reading" sees the newspaper's format as a tendentious metaphor, an interface for...