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  • ... in this work are largely derived from Baroque ceiling paintings...
  • Word Play
    ... of letters that form phrases derived from well-known theatre scripts...
  • ... to view a library of alphabets derived from all the world’s currently...
  • ... videos include a performance by dervish dancers, storytelling by a...
  • ... multimedia information terminal derived from the original Panoramic...
  • ... software for this installation derives from Cupola (2004). Projection...
  • ... results of the artwork are derived from the language of code....
  • ... and polylactic acid (PLA), all derived from corn. A 3D printer, using...
  • [ in time time ] -
    ... time’. What is happening is essentially suspended, fixed, in the... and the relationship of sender and receiver in a communication...
  • Home Transfer -
    ... The evolving discourse is essential in building the work’s...