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  • ...TransVersum is a dance video directed by Marikki Hakola. The video is based on the original...
  • Time Stratum II -
    ... on a motorised spinning disk. Iset up a video monitor above them, while strobing the light...
  • Orbic Field s06 -
    ... was effectuated by applying to it a video filter within the real-time video mix...
  • ...Dynamic video installation [English title, Against Time] After the piece 'In between' (1999), 'Gegen...
  • Musique Non Stop -
    ... the classic, award-winning music video, Musique Non Stop. This work involved the...
  • ... centre of a large inflatable dome, two video projectors are mounted on a motorised...
  • PICO_SCAN - video
    ... interface device and 5 plasma video screens. When the user picks up the...
  • ...The video performance had been presented in Salerno, Italy, during the ARTMEDIA Congress (1992). The...
  • ... display that simultaneously shows 864 video clips of news anchors taken from TV...
  • Magnet -
    ...Interactive digital video projection environment 14 x 8 x 7 metres 2 large scale video projections,...