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  • Where are you from?_Stories, 2002-2009, is a net-art piece supported by a one-year research grant from the Canada Council for the Arts. The videos for the net-art piece were selected from approximately 200 15-minute videos captured in special events
  • Kinetic light installation reflective foil, artificial resin, rotating motor, lights, plexiglass, light reflections variable dimensions A transparent picture is suspended on a rotating engine installed on the ceiling and is illuminated by two
    multimedia interactive sound-light installation The Incubator is an interactive audio-visual installation that represents a self-sustained, circularly arranged dynamic system that translates tactile signals into audio and visual events. A viewer
    MUSEALL (prononcer « Musée All », nom alt. : ARTGATE… nom de code) Dispositif Educatif Muséographique Artistique Numérique et Documentaire (DEMAND) Aucun musée ne donne accès à la totalité des collections des autres Musées. Les petites municipalités
  • Carl Theodor Dreyer's 1928 'La Passion de Jeanne d'Arc' is arguably one of the finest films in the history of film, and Renée Jeanne Falconetti, primarily known as a stage performer in light opera, provides it with one of cinema's most harrowing
  • Sprache Sehen -
    Computer-controlled interactive light installation Polytechnic school Bregenz (AT), extension Baumschlager/Eberle, competition, realization 1996–8 [English title, 'Seeing Language'] In each of the three staircases of the new building of the HTL
  • Light objects Series 'Mirrors of the Unseen (MotU)' At what point are terms recognisable and integrable into one’s own linguistic system? Which synonymous manifestations does language have? The light objects 'MotU #1 to #3' present onomatopoetic
  • a straw-like user interface (SUI) developed by inami laboratory at keio university, japanis an interface system that allows user to virtually experience the sensations of drinking. this simulation is based on the research data collected on the
    The interconnection between the musical and the visual work is particularly based on a constant exercise of deconstruction, where the human being and his body emerge as a matter of invention and of “decomposition” in many expression and in a
  • In this poem we look straight down at the top surface of a cube. An invisible light source orbits the cube, casting verbal shadows that can be seen gyrating clockwise, much in the manner of a sundial. As new shadows are cast, the letters permutate