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  • ... and cinema. The exhibit in the fourth room describes the particularity of a wholly computer generated environment - three... which have the same appearance as the real room in which the installation is located. This establishes a conjunction of the real...
  • ... symbols of fertility and the cycle of birth and death. As the artist developed the work into an installation form, the visual and... the cycles of fertility: birth, death, regeneration. In its installation form: A dark passage leads into the underworld. In a low...
  • ...Fall Again, Fall Better is an installation constituted by two elements: a projection screen or a large LCD monitor, displaying...
  • ...Cubey 1.0 (2008, interactive digital art installation) Cubey 1.0 is an interactive digital art installation that explores audio-visual and... Cubey 1.0 (2008, interactive digital art installation) Cubey 1.0 is an interactive digital art installation that explores audio-visual and...
  • ... showering is projected. The installation recalls a telematic art classic, Whole in Space (1980) by Kid Galloway and Sherrie... werful social aspect of Sermon’s work is visualized in the site-specific installation A Body of Water (1999), created for the exhibition...
  • Transfinite 7347 -
    ...Audiovisual installation at Park Avenue Armory, New York.
  • ...allation MULTIPLE voice/vision is the output of a research project in the arts, with as focus how friction between multiple layers of sound and... The installation MULTIPLE voice/vision is the output of a research project in the arts, with as focus how friction between multiple layers of...
  • Silicon Babe -
    ...Digital Print Installation
  • Eccentric Spaces -
    ...Stereoscopic Video Installation
  • ...Pinocchio Interactive is a dynamic installation which integrates: robotic, animation, digital fantasy and interactivity. It is a ludicrous...