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  • Text Trends -
    Text Trends deals with the spectacularization of information. Using Google data it explores the vast search data of its users. The animation takes the content generated by search queries and reduces this process to its essential elements: search
  • Location of I -
    In an attempt to become the absolute citizen, Martin John Callanan published his physical location every minute for two years between March 2007 and July 2009. Every minute of every day since the beginning of 2007 I have continually published my
  • Variations -
    Variations ( Elliott Carter ) photographic, self-animated work for the browser, 2008. Variations ( Elliott Carter ) was commissioned by Ars Electronica Festival to accompany a performance by the Bruckner Orchestra of Elliott Carter's
  • Flack Attack -
    Flack Attack is a magazine coming out of The Port, a community-driven space inside the online 3D world Second Life. Flack Attack explores a distributed model for magazine production. The workflow starts with a wiki, a web page allowing for open and
  • This project explores the value of immaterial production in a virtual world, and if and how this can be transferred into an economy of material production. We have collected a series of immaterial objects produced and owned by inhabitants in the
  • The Port -
    Image: The Port inauguration, Humlegården, Stockholm, 2005 — The Port is a community driven island inside the online 3D world Second Life. The island is open and accessible to Second Life’s 175 000 (Aug 2005) inhabitants and potentially to all
  • by Mandeep Raikhy / gati dance Delhi, India Based on the notion of lived experience of architecture in Gaston Bachelard’s Poetics of Space, ‘Inhabited Geometry’ is an ensemble piece that aims to define, architecturally and imaginarily, the idea
  • for pina
    for pina... Attakkalari Center for Movement Arts, Bangalore: "for pina..." a site-specific promenade performance presented with film installation and live music designed to commemorate an iconic dance artist of our times ... Pina Bausch. Even
  • Epidémie -
    Rendre visible l’invisible Parce que l’on parle ici de l’invisible qui détermine notre destin, il est important de lui donner une forme de visibilité. Le danger réside dans l’incapacité du cerveau à dissocier l’importance de la menace de la
  • The Mechanic of Emotions is an art opera in 15+ parts each part can be a statement, an event, an installation, an object, a concert, a performance, a web site, a business... the Mechanics of Emotions (M-E) try not to tell the story of the