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  • Infections of a mental kind and the examination of the animalistic are the topics of the Zurich media art group ‹knowbotic research› in their most recent project ANIMAL INFECTED. The infection takes place subtly, for instance with an expres sion
  • ... with Engineering realities, informed by emerging...
  • Zero Noon
    Rafael Lozano-Hemmer "Zero Noon", 2013 computer, processing software, square HD display, electronic, metal enclosure 17 x 17 x 4" edition of 12 "Zero Noon" is a digital clock that shows the current time according to eccentric metrics: it uses
  • Double Helix Swing -
    double helix swing is an installation which investigates the swarms of midges that can be found on the banks of lakes and other bodies of water. Swarms of midges are intriguing entities: without any apparent logic theyform at irregular intervals
  • comprises five video projections which atmospherically depict and re-interpret our habitat. In the exhibition space five projections are set up like a landscape. Each of these projections represents one aspect of the manifestation of nature as
  • Greenhouse Converter -
    The greenhouse converter is an apparatus for algae, water fleas and people. Water from a fountain, enriched with atmospheric gases, especially carbon dioxide, is pumped from beneath via an air supply into an aquarium. This feeds an algal culture
  • Visit-US (2005, 1 minute, digital animation) Visit-US explores the ways in which national border controls have been updated and expanded through the use of digital technology and electronic surveillance. The transition from an emphasis on physical
  • E-volve Wolf Lieser opened a new gallery [DAM]Cologne on the 24th April 2010. boredomresearch are exhibiting their computational systems Lost Calls of Cloud Mountain Whirligigs in the first exhibition ‘E-volve’ at the gallery. Lost Calls of Cloud
  • click on the base of the tree to write a message type a message in the text box click outside text box to store message in ribbon discard a message in the text box by clicking on the close button in the top left corner place ribbon on an empty
  • Level Head -
    levelHead is a spatial memory game by Julian Oliver. levelHead uses a hand-held solid-plastic cube as its only interface. On-screen it appears each face of the cube contains a little room, each of which are logically connected by doors. In one