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  • Third Person -
    Third Person is the second piece of the ShadowBox series of interactive displays with a built-in computerized tracking system. This piece shows the viewer's shadow revealing hundreds of tiny words that are in fact all the verbs of the dictionary
  • In this geolocative augmented reality installation, a grid of ARt critics seem to scream "You call THIS ARt???" On October 9 2010, Sander Veenhof & Mark Skwarek organized "We AR in MoMA," an uninvited cyberspace takeover of the Museum of Modern Art
  • Newtown Creek is a massively contaminated Superfund site running through the Greenpoint, Williamsburg and Bushwick neighborhoods of Brooklyn, New York. For the AR artwork "Newtown Creek (oil spill)" Tamiko Thiel has created a 3D object from the
  • Based on footage of gannets diving for small fish off the coast of Newfoundland. This is the 4th in a series of works that explore patterns of movement over time.
  • "Hunting Trophies" is a project showing a collection of eleven hunting trophies hung on the wall. These trophies are similar to those that hunters could exhibit proudly in their living room but here they are chests of robots. Each robot has its
  • bug[lab]02 -
    The installation gathers a group of 10 robotic dogs in which some punctual and random bugs emerge (this is almost a pleonasm) in order to ironically illustrate the potential consequences of some functional problems in the system. It consists of
  • Pinches Pelos Dodger -
    Installation, human hair coated with platinum film and engraved with a focused ion beam, test tube, illuminated electron-microscope duratrans print, metal frame, certificate
  • dog[lab]01 -
    In this experimental space, seven little chimerical robots are evolving, some animals which have the general morphology of a dog but some have bovine coats provided with horns (mad cow disease?), pork skin (xenotransplantation? unless it’s a cross
  • Pulse Park -
    In Pulse Park, evening visitors to Madison Square Park have their systolic and diastolic activity measured by a sensor sculpture installed at the North end of the Oval Lawn. These biometric rhythms are translated and projected as pulses of
  • Pulse Tank -
    Pulse Tank is an Interactive installation where the heart rates of members of the public are detected by sensors and converted into water waves in a ripple tank. A light show is created by the resulting waves and their interaction. To participate,