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  • Shock Absorber -
    In "Shock Absorber" a live feed is taken from broadcast television and separated it into two parts in real time. One part contains all the movements, edits and high frequency visual stimulation. The other part contains everything that is left over
  • ... surrounding gardens. Every day since March...
  • inter / face -
    In "inter / face" Rokeby continues his exploration of the relationship between the abstract world of language and the physical world of body. The work uses the expressions on the viewer's face as an interface to a responsive virtual world built
  • Taken -
    ... The image is densely social, deeply...
  • Glories of Accounting is an interactive installation with a surveillance system that detects the position of the public in the exhibition room. When someone walks into the room, large hands appear on the screen automatically. The hands rotate along
  • Cheap Imitation -
    "Cheap Imitation" is an homage to Marcel Duchamp. Duchamp was of course an inveterate re-user of existing works of art. In "Cheap Imitation", Rokeby has cut up Duchamp's "Nude Descending a Staircase" into the several hundred facets that make up
  • Sorting Daemon -
    Like many of Rokeby's other works, "Sorting Daemon" surveys its environment and uses the resulting images as the primary content of the work. In this specific case, the system looks out onto the street, panning, tilting and zooming, looking for
  • Homographies -
    Homographies is a large-scale interactive installation featuring a turbulent light array that responds to the movement of the public. The installation consists of 144 white fluorescent light tubes which are hung from 72 robotic fixtures on the
  • Elektroplankton -
    Electroplankton is an interactive music video game developed by the Japanese interactive media artist Toshio Iwai and published by Nintendo for the Nintendo DS portable gaming system. This unique software allows one to interact with animated
  • Morphovision -
    Morphovision is a new visual system, where a high-speed rotating solid object appears to soften or even disintegrate, when illuminated with special light. Here, a miniature house rotating at high-speed can be transformed by selecting one of several