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  • Inside sixteen flowerpots placed in a dark room, motors run to rotate transparent disks. A viewer peeking into a flowerpot will find an animation of the images printed on the transparent disk, illuminated by the switching of small white LED, and
  • Internet, digital carving Relics from the World Emotional Mapping Deflated emotional distorsions of the globe. The Frozen Feelings are 3D snap shots of the world's emotions. Digitally carved into different kind of materials. They are built
  • felix
    felixArtist: Maurice BenayounComment:
  • e-Spotting (Emotion Spotting) Internet VR installation a music/internet performance and installation at the Palazzo Strozzi Seen as the world nervous system, the Net should now be the best way to know where pain and pleasure are located
  • Installation, sculptures, video (undone project) Video projections reflected by polished surfaces distorted by world's emotions Like the Frozen Feelings, the plates of aluminium are digitally carved on the model of world emotions maps.
  • Body Language -
    ... about motion was relayed to an Apple ][ computer. The computer searched for movements in these images, analysed them and created...
  • Liquid Language -
    It is an experiement in fluid text. Text appears on the screen, dissolves and transforms continuously, resulting in a representation of a wandering stream of consciousness. The structure of the work revolves around the three themes : forgetting,
  • 'LPDT2 : The Second Life of La Plissure du Texte' is the Second Life® incarnation of Roy Ascott's groundbreaking new media art work La Plissure du Texte ('The Pleating of the Text'), created in 1983 and exhibited at the Musee de l'Art Moderne de la
  • "(Perception is) The Master of Space" is a variation of "Very Nervous System". String, hanging from the ceiling at 1/2 meter intervals, was used to establish the edges of the perceptual field of the system's camera and its shadows. The camera
  • Internet, 12 video projections, digital sculptures The Market of World's emotions From the temple to the merchant